Update (12/23/2024)

We are pleased to advise that the fifth installment has been mailed.  For delivery of the checks, we rely on the US Postal Service, which is overwhelmed this time of year.  If you do not receive your check by January 15, 2025 please email us at [email protected] so we can help you get your check reissued.


Update (11/13/2024)

We are pleased to advise that class member payments for the fifth (of five) annual checks under the Settlement Agreement will be mailed by December 15, 2024. The first 4 installments were mailed in December of 2020, December of 2021, December of 2022, and December 2023. In accordance with the Court ordered settlement agreement, unfortunately we are no longer able to reissue checks from the first 4 distributions.

Update (11/17/2023)

We are pleased to advise that class member payments for the Fourth (of five) annual checks under the Settlement Agreement will be mailed by December 11th, 2023. The first 3 installments were mailed in December of 2020,  December of 2021, and December of 2022.  In accordance with the Court ordered settlement agreement, unfortunately we are no longer able to reissue checks from the first 3 distributions.


Update (11/11/2022)

We are pleased to advise that class member payments for the third (of five) annual checks under the Settlement Agreement will be mailed December 9th, 2022. The first 2 installments were mailed in December of 2020 and December of 2021.  In accordance with the Court ordered settlement agreement, unfortunately we are no longer able to reissue checks from either of the first 2 distributions.


Please provide all address updates for this distribution by Wednesday, November 16, 2022.


It is important that these checks are cashed promptly by January 23, 2023. If you don't cash or deposit this check, you may lose your rights to this installment under the terms of the settlement. This installment is not deemed to be wages and is reported on a 1099 for the tax year 2022. You are responsible for any taxes from this distribution.

This check will also include your refund of social security taxes that were withheld from the first distribution.

We will continue to maintain functionality for email inquiries from class members and appreciate your patience.  Please allow 3 weeks from the mailing date of December 9, 2022 to contact us via email at [email protected] if you have questions about your check or need to update addresses. Checks will not be reissued before that time.

Each check amount is different.  They represent each class member’s proportionate share of the net settlement proceeds as calculated using the methodology outlined in the Distribution Plan that was approved by the Court.  The calculations were performed by the damages experts hired by the class and have been reviewed several times for accuracy.  We do not have the underlying data that was used to perform the calculations; however, we are highly confident that the amounts are correct based upon the Court approved process.

Please check back here for updates.


Update (4/20/2022): 

We are pleased to advise that the issue regarding the withholding of Social Security taxes from the First Distribution (from December of 2020), was resolved favorably so that all previously-withheld social security funds will be available for distribution to the Class with the next installment in December of 2022. The amount of your social security refund will be the amount withheld from your first installment check from December 2020, which will be detailed on the check stub when the refund is made.

Following the recommendations of the Class Representatives and Class Counsel, the Court ordered these funds be paid at the same time as the third distribution under the Settlement Agreement that will occur later this year in December of 2022.

Update (12/9/2021): 

We are pleased to advise that class member payments for the second (of five) annual checks under the Settlement Agreement were mailed December 9th, 2021. The first installment was mailed in December of 2020.

It is important that these checks are cashed promptly by January 23, 2022. If you don't cash or deposit this check, you may lose your rights to this installment under the terms of the settlement. This installment is not deemed to be wages and is reported on a 1099 for the tax year 2021. You are responsible for any taxes from this distribution. We continue to work with the IRS on the social secuirty taxes withheld from the first installment. There is no status update at this time.

We will continue to maintain functionality for email inquiries from class members and appreciate your patience.  Please allow 3 weeks from the mailing date of December 9, 2021 to contact us via email at [email protected] if you have questions about your check or need to update addresses. Checks will not be reissued before that time.

Each check amount is different.  They represent each class member’s proportionate share of the net settlement proceeds as calculated using the methodology outlined in the Distribution Plan that was approved by the Court.  The calculations were performed by the damages experts hired by the class and have been reviewed several times for accuracy.  We do not have the underlying data that was used to perform the calculations; however, we are highly confident that the amounts are correct based upon the Court approved process.

Please check back here for updates.




A Georgia court authorized this notice.
This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.


These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in this notice.


Summary of Your Legal Rights and Options in This Settlement:

Do Nothing:

You will be paid a proportional share of the net settlement proceeds in accordance with the Distribution Plan and release certain claims. See sections 6 and 8 of this notice for more details.

Exclude Yourself

Get no payment. If you exclude yourself, you cannot object to the settlement, but you would not be barred by the settlement from bringing a suit of your own. See section 11 of this notice for more details.


Write to the Court about why you don’t like the settlement and do not want it approved. Act by September 8, 2020. See section 12 of this notice for more details.

Go to a Hearing:

Ask to speak in Court about the fairness of the settlement on September 17, 2020. See section 14 of this notice for more details.



If you would like to verify or update your address, please contact the Settlement Administrator at [email protected].